Curso de MIC-10265A: Developing Data Access Solutions with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

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Curso de MIC-10265A: Developing Data Access Solutions with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

  • Objetivos del curso In this course, experienced developers who know the basics of data access (CRUD) in Windows client and Web application environments will learn to optimize their designs and develop better performing data access code by using the ADO.NET Entity Framework, LINQ, WCF Data Services, the Sync Framework, and ADO.NET.
  • Curso dirigido a This course is intended for professional .NET software developers who use Microsoft Visual Studio in a team-based, medium-sized to large development environment. They will have experience implementing data access and data binding within their Web and/or Windows client applications and are interested in learning to optimize data access code in their applications by using the Entity Framework, LINQ, and ADO.NET. Members of the audience are experienced users of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1 or newer releases of the Visual Studio product. The audience has some experience using Visual Studio 2010 for either Windows client or Web application development.
    Typically, this audience has the following knowledge/experience:
    •Experience developing n-tier applications that access various data sources
    •Experience implementing data binding within their applications
    •Some experience using LINQ and ADO.NET
    •A conceptual understanding of the Entity Framework
  • Contenido
    Before attending this course, students must have:
    •An understanding of the problem-solving techniques that apply to software development, including the following principles of software development:
    •Modern software development models
    •Typical phases of a software development lifecycle
    •Concepts of event-driven programming
    •Concepts of object-oriented programming
    •Creating use-case diagrams
    •Designing and building a user interface
    •Developing a structured application
    •A basic understanding of the following scripting techniques and some hands-on experience writing scripts:
    •Web scripting techniques
    •Macro scripting techniques
    •Windows scripting techniques
    •A general understanding of the purpose, function, and features of following .NET Framework topics:
    •Common Language Runtime
    •.NET Framework class library
    •Common Type System
    •Component interoperation
    •Cross-language interoperability
    •Assemblies in the Common Language Runtime
    •Application domains
    •Runtime hosts supported by the .NET Framework
    •Experience using Visual Studio 2008 in the following task areas:
    •Declaring and initializing typed variables using the Camel case naming convention
    •Using arithmetic, relational, and logical operators in code statements
    •Using branching statements to control code execution
    •Using looping statements to iterate through collections or repeat steps until a specified condition is met
    •Creating classes and methods to establish the basic structure of an application
    •Using methods and events to implement the programming logic of an application
    •Identifying syntax and logic errors
    •Accessing and managing data from a data source
    •Experience in object oriented design and development as follows:
    •Creating and accessing classes and class properties
    •Creating and accessing methods and overloaded methods
    •Implementing inheritance, base classes, and abstract classes
    •Declaring, raising, and handling events
    •Responding to and throwing exceptions
    •Implementing interfaces and polymorphism
    •Implementing shared and static members
    •Implementing generics
    •Creating components and class libraries
    •Experience in N-Tier application design and development as follows:
    •Managing a software development process
    •Controlling input at the user interface level in Windows client and Web applications
    •Debugging, tracing, and profiling .NET applications
    •Monitoring and logging .NET applications
    •Implementing basic testing best practices
    •Performing basic data access tasks with LINQ
    •Basics of LINQ to XML
    •Basics of LINQ to Entities
    •Basics of LINQ to SQL
    •Implementing basic security best practices in .NET Applications
    •Basics of Code Access Security
    •Basics of Role-Based Security
    •Basics of Cryptography Services
    •Implementing basic service calls
    •Basics of creating and consuming XML Web Services
    •Basics of creating and consuming WCF Services
    •Using .NET Configuration Files
    •Deploying .NET Framework Applications using ClickOnce and the MS Installer
    •Data access experience in Windows client application development as follows:
    •Connect to a data source
    •Implement data binding
    •Implement data validation at the UI layer
    •Data access experience in Web application development as follows:
    •Connect to a data source
    •Implement dynamic data
    •Implement data validation at the UI layer

    Module 1: Architecture and Data Access Technologies
    Module 2: Building Entity Data Models
    Module 3: Querying Entity Data
    Module 4: Creating, Updating, and Deleting Entity Data
    Module 5: Handling Multi-User Scenarios by Using Object Services
    Module 6: Building Optimized Solutions by Using Object Services
    Module 7: Customizing Entities and Building Custom Entity Classes
    Module 8: Using POCO Classes with the Entity Framework
    Module 9: Building an N-Tier Solution by Using the Entity Framework
    Module 10: Handling Updates in an N-Tier Solution by Using the Entity Framework
    Module 11: Building Occasionally Connected Solutions
    Module 12: Querying Data by Using WCF Data Services
    Module 13: Updating Data by Using WCF Data Services
    Module 14: Using ADO.NET
    Module 15: Using LINQ to SQL

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