Curso de Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)

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Pablo Nieves

Pablo Nieves

Curso de Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Curso de Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) se imparte de modo Presencial.
  • Número de horas
    Consultar la duración de este Curso.
  • Titulación oficial
    InterSoftware otorga un Diploma certificado de participación, tras finalizar este Curso.
  • Valoración del programa
    El objetivo de este Curso es la formación de especialistas capaces de dirigir proyectos de distinta índole, mediante el dominio de áreas estratégicas de mercadotecnia, con habilidades de liderazgo, dirección de grupos, toma de decisiones y definición de políticas y estrategias de empresas de alto nivel, logrando la certificación internacional tras finalizar el curso.
  • Precio del curso
    Consultar precio.
  • Dirigido a
    Este Curso está dirigido a aquellos egresados de Licenciaturas en Administración, Mercadotecnia, Economía y afines, interesados en la administración y gestión de proyectos productivos así como de sistemas computacionales.
  • Empleabilidad
    El campo laboral del egresado de este Curso se extiende dentro del sector empresarial, financiero y bursátil como parte de empresas públicas o privadas, en departamentos y áreas directivos, ejecutivos y gerenciales administrativas, financieras y de logística de operaciones, así como de manera independiente en consultorías a nivel nacional e internacional.

Comentarios sobre Curso de Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) - Presencial - Benito Juárez - Ciudad de México - CDMX - Ciudad de México

  • Curso dirigido a
    This course is designed for persons in a variety of job roles who currently contribute to project teams in various ways, including providing subject matter expertise (e.g., marketing, finance, customer care, processing, fulfillment) and serving as project team sponsors, facilitators, liaisons, or coordinators, but who do not function as project managers and who have little or no formal exposure to or training in standardized project management terminology and processes.
  • Contenido

    You will apply the generally recognized practices of project management acknowledged by the Project Management Institute (PMI®) to manage projects successfully.


    To ensure your success, we recommend you first take the following Element K courses or have equivalent knowledge:

    * Microsoft Word 2000, 2002, 2003 or Microsoft Office Word 2007, Level 1
    * Project Management Fundamentals: Second Edition

    Al finalizar:

    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

        * Describe project management fundamentals.
        * Identify project management processes.
        * Initiate a project.
        * Manage project scope.
        * Estimate project time.
        * Develop project schedules.
        * Analyze project cost.
        * Measure project quality.
        * Organize human resources for a project.
        * Devise effective communication methods for resources involved in the project.
        * Analyze risks and plan risk responses.
        * Process project procurements.
        * Integrate project workflow.


    Lesson 1: Understanding Project Management Fundamentals
        Topic 1A: Define Project Management Basics
        Topic 1B: Examine Organizational Influences on Project Management
        Topic 1C: Examine the Project Management Context

    Lesson 2: Identifying Project Management Processes

        Topic 2A: Examine the Project Life Cycle
        Topic 2B: Recognize Process Groups

    Lesson 3: Initiating a Project

        Topic 3A: Examine Project Selection
        Topic 3B: Prepare a Project Statement of Work
        Topic 3C: Create a Project Charter
        Topic 3D: Identify the Elements of a Project Management Plan

    Lesson 4: Managing Project Scope

        Topic 4A: Document Stakeholder Requirements
        Topic 4B: Create a Scope Statement
        Topic 4C: Develop a Work Breakdown Structure
        Topic 4D: Review Deliverables and Work Results
        Topic 4E: Control the Project Scope

    Lesson 5: Estimating Project Time

        Topic 5A: Create an Activity List
        Topic 5B: Create a Project Schedule Network Diagram
        Topic 5C: Estimate Activity Resources
        Topic 5D: Estimate Duration for Project Activities

    Lesson 6: Developing and Controlling a Project Schedule

        Topic 6A: Draft a Project Schedule
        Topic 6B: Identify the Critical Path
        Topic 6C: Optimize the Project Schedule
        Topic 6D: Establish a Schedule Baseline
        Topic 6E: Control the Project Schedule

    Lesson 7: Analyzing Project Cost

        Topic 7A: Estimate Project Costs
        Topic 7B: Establish the Cost Baseline
        Topic 7C: Reconcile Funding and Costs
        Topic 7D: Control Project Costs

    Lesson 8: Measuring Project Quality

        Topic 8A: Create a Quality Management Plan
        Topic 8B: Execute a Quality Assurance Plan
        Topic 8C: Perform Quality Control

    Lesson 9: Organizing Human Resources for a Project

        Topic 9A: Document the Project Roles, Responsibilities, and Reporting Relationships
        Topic 9B: Acquire the Project Team
        Topic 9C: Develop the Project Team
        Topic 9D: Manage the Project Team

    Lesson 10: Devising Effective Communication Methods

        Topic 10A: Identify Project Stakeholders
        Topic 10B: Create a Communications Management Plan
        Topic 10C: Distribute Project Information
        Topic 10D: Manage Stakeholder Relationships and Expectations
        Topic 10E: Report on Project Performance

    Lesson 11: Analyzing Project Risks

        Topic 11A: Examine a Risk Management Plan
        Topic 11B: Identify Project Risks and Triggers
        Topic 11C: Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
        Topic 11D: Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
        Topic 11E: Develop a Risk Response Plan
        Topic 11F: Monitor and Control Project Risks

    Lesson 12: Processing Project Procurements

        Topic 12A: Plan Project Procurements
        Topic 12B: Prepare a Procurement Statement of Work
        Topic 12C: Prepare a Procurement Document
        Topic 12D: Examine the Conduct Procurements Process
        Topic 12E: Obtain Responses from Sellers
        Topic 12F: Determine Project Sellers
        Topic 12G: Administer Project Procurements
        Topic 12H: Close Project Procurements

    Lesson 13: Integrating Project Workflow

        Topic 13A: Identify the Direct and Manage Project Execution Process
        Topic 13B: Identify the Monitor and Control Project Work Process
        Topic 13C: Develop an Integrated Change Control System
        Topic 13D: Utilize the Integrated Change Control System
        Topic 13E: Close the Project or Phase Administratively

    Appendix A: Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
    Appendix B: Interpersonal Skills Required for a Project Manager
    Appendix C: Updates to the PMBOK® Fourth Edition Guide
    Appendix D: Project Management Processes

Otra formación relacionada con dirección y administración de proyectos

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